I started my new job a couple weeks ago. Things have been rather hectic, running hither and thither, a two day camping trip to the Gulf Islands... (yes, that's part of my job). Hopefully I can keep the posts going, but they may be less frequent. But! I do have a couple back stories/pics that I never got around to uploading, so those should be on their way...when I get to them.
Things to come!
-Towel Day Festivities (Douglas Adams fans unite!)
-Another B-Movie Poster Installment (The Beetle?!)
-Camping in the Gulf Islands (freakin' awesome)
-The Latest Star Trek Movie (plus inadvertent humour and insults)
-Jeeves and Wooster (I am obsessed, yet again!)
-The History of Mr. Polly (more of my reading list, this time H.G. Wells)
-Norrell and Strange Update (yes, I'm still reading it)
-New Specs! (Ordered new glasses!)
Basically, I'm still alive, this blog is still a thing. Thanks for sticking around :)